Today marks 7 days before I depart from Tunisia! I feel like saying and I guess I have to say that part of the mission is accomplished! On the bus ride back to La Marsa I shared the gospel with the entire bus!!! It was not easy... so much so that 1 hour before we loaded the bus, I couldn't eat lunch, I felt discouraged, unsettled, uncomfortable, nervous, unsure, and fearful. I sat down to eat, got up after 4 or 5 bites and walked outside. I began praying and talking to my Father. I explained to Him how I was feeling and that I knew I could not back down or back out. The Lord's strength was made perfect in my weakness, glory to God! We loaded the bus, my professor announced our schedule for the last 7days, after she finished I approached the front and asked if I could have a few words. She says "it's all yours!" Bingo, lets go!!! In summary, I talked about how Jesus changed my life, the sin that they all commit and committed which makes them guilty before God and that they need Christ to wash away all their sins to enter Heaven and stand not guilty. Their response was not good, they were not happy; I gave them all a tract after I finished with my email address on the back. I pray God will bring the increase in their lives!!! Seeds have been planted in all their hearts and minds!!! Glory to God!!! As I took my long walk to the back of the bus, nobody looked me in the eyes, I could tell they were convicted. As I took my seat nobody smiled, but as hard as I tried to hold it in; GOD was smiling on the inside of me and I cracked a big smile praising God with my headphones on!!!! lol...
My brothers and sisters nervousness, uncertainty, and fear are all natural feelings but we must not let them paralyze us from being obedient to God. Paul said "woe is me if I preach not the gospel!" Let us lay aside those weights and sins and run this race looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. His strength is made perfect in weakness; preach...
~Til Nets R Full~
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