Monday, February 2, 2009

Its Not Over Yet!

Good-afternoon and evening brothers and sisters! Its coming down to the last 3-4 days of my journey in the foreign land. The information gathered, lessons learned, seeds planted, work started seems like a lot, but "Its not over yet!" I cannot get lazy or apathetic to the need for ministry here in Tunisia. Yesterday I was invited to dinner by some new friends here and at dinner I met even more locals. One guy (Aymen) began challenging me to speak only Arabic for the remainder of the evening. It worked out very well, I know more Arabic than I thought! The great part of this story is that before we went our separate ways I was giving an opportunity to speak to him "1-on-1" in english! Oh yes, game-time right? Exactly right, I asked him if anybody has ever shared Christian views and information about Jesus. He says "No, Never" WOW! [Side Note: Early in the day he was telling me the location of 3 different churches within in the surrounding cities. You mean to tell me that he knows where the churches are, but nobody has ever shared information with him? Thats a problem.] So I asked him if it was ok to share some information with him. [Side note: This question was not neccessary, but I like trying new stuff when evangelizing. It worked] He says, "Of course, go ahead." I started with Adam, sin, man's depravity, and then Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross to save all men! He interrupted here and said that Christ didn't die but God saved. [Side note: He is conveying a false doctrine written in the Quran] So I began explaining how historically documented that Jesus was crucified under the order of Pontius Pilate and buried. Then I explained the 500+ eyewitnesses of his resurrection found in 1 Corinthians 15! Then asked how could Mohamed write that Jesus was not crucified 600years later after more than 500eyewitnes confirm his resurrection and historical evidence says he was crucified! I told him to not take my word for it, but to go and do research for himself and see. The conversation ended there! Praise God for the seed planted! Amen!

My host brother has basketball practice tonight so I plan to walk around town and pass out some tracts and possibly get into some conversations! Please pray for brothers and sisters and pray for Aymen! Thanks again for love, prayers, and support! Looking forward to seeing and talking to everybody very soon!

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for Aymen tonight. I am not a Muslim expert but it is not surprising to hear his views on the death of Jesus. What I find most remarkable however is that the Quran does attribute divine power to Jesus--it teaches that he did miracles (authentication though perhaps not proof of his divinity)--something it does not even attribute to Muhammad!

    Excited to hear more stories when you get back. Maybe we can finally meet up!
