Thursday, January 15, 2009

To: The Saints in America

Greeting brothers and sisters; grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord! I greet you and I still abide across the Atlantic in Tunisia. I have been praying but have yet to find other laborers who name the name of Christ and serve God with a pure conscience. I have seen 1 Catholic church, which is currently not doing me any good because the muslims and Tunisians see catholiscm as a joke. A religious sect that has erred and worship saints and martyers. Of which I agree with the latter. I find myself having to uproot untruths about true Christianity and then plant seeds! Nevertheless, I am but a laborer and am nothing, let the Lord be glorified! My host family is extremely loving and hospitiable. I have been eating, relaxing, and sleeping very well with no burden about food, raiment, and shelter. I am still waiting and looking and praying for an open door to proclaim the gospel of Jesus to my host family. Serving Christ and believing He will wash away all your sins and make you a new person and restore you to a place of authority is great news and a relief to muslims who try to buy their salvation with good works.
They believe their good works will weigh more than the bad and thus allow them to enter into Heaven. In the context of when Mohammed wrote this section of the Quran, all currency was weighed. So he used the same idea in his doctrine of salvation, one would simply weigh in their good works to basically purchase their ticket to Heaven. But we know that one's good works are as filthy wrags to a Holy God! And we still couldn't do enough good works to bribe God to letting us into Heaven. Thats why the shed blood of Christ and his offer to ALL men salvation is a FREE GIFT if one will accept it and believe it! Thats why Jesus is so unique because he is the ONLY Savior the world has EVER seen! The world is looking for relief, peace, and security. Lets share with them the Prince of Peace, who has their best interest at heart, and offers True Salvation by his Own Blood= Jesus the Christ!!! Speak up...
~Till The Nets R Full~

PS: I've been sharing truth with other students on the trip. Some agree, some stand neutral, and others are offended. Pray for them all, seeds have definitely been planted, their beliefs have definitely been challenged, lies have definitely been exposed! God wants them saved!!! And pray for Ahmed. I talked with him at the mall/grocery store today, he is a security guard there. We talked for about 35mins in Arabic and a little English. I got tell him about sin, the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! It may have been the first time he has ever heard the gospel, because I told him I was a Christian and he didn't know what a Christian was! I left a tract with him that had arabic and french languages. Pray the Lord will bring increase in his life! God wants him saved!!! Farewell for now, walk in grace


  1. Amen brother. I cannot wait until we all go full force in sharing the truth with a dying world like this. May he keep using you to reach out and plant the seeds of eternal salvation-the truth. Maybe you will preach the gospel there on the regular-Insh Isa amen?!

  2. See I told you i wouldn't forget. I'm sure you wondering who this is, well is James from HSBC. I just wanted to let you know that a bunch of us at work are glad you made it there safe (Brooke, Lucasz, Jimmy G, Khalita, and others. On a more personal note this is my first time actually reading your blogs. Sorry about the late view, I couldn't find the paper I wrote your info down on. I am still amazed as that you are in Africa right now! In our brief more personal conversations we've had in the past about things, I wanted to add that I'm excited for what you are doing. I tell people about your journey all the time. Its funny b/c I see alot of myself in you at times(not trying to sound like an ol' head lol)! I remember when I was brought to the lord "and saved" in 2002 and how I was so excited in the beginning. I say in the beginning as a reference to how easy it is to backslide in this world. Of course the excitement hasn't gone from me, but I would be wrong to say that it hasn't subsided some. But diligence is key, draw nigh and he will do the same. Satan is always working trying to corrupt as many souls as he can. Thats why what your doing is such a blessing for many. It was someone just as yourself who steered me in the right direction towards Jesus. Its difficult enough in this world for those of whom he dwelleth inside, let alone those who are lost. Sorry if I turned this comment into a letter, guess it's that Political Science (Law School) mentality that intices me to go on and on. On that note I wanted to say that there is a peace of everyone you love, care about, pray for, and most importantly represent (Jesus) who are there with you right now. This is the opportunity of a life time so make the best of it. And remember you may not reach them all, but if you can contribute to the saving of even one soul, that is one more mansion that he can prepare for one of his children.
